Thursday, March 26, 2009, 9:27 AM
1st Month
Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 1:59 PM
Returning Home Sweet Home
I'll be leaving Shanghai in 5 days. Looking forward to go back to Singapore because school's starting soon. Although I don't know what kinda environment I'll be in, it's better if I have something to do rather than be idle for good. What's more, baby won't be free all the time either.
These few days I have been shopping, shopping & shopping. There are SO many things until I don't know what to buy. I think by the time I'm in Singapore, I'll never step foot into shopping malls. Imagine going out to shop for consecutive 10 days. Totally insane.
Gotta get going soon.
Note: I'll be starting school on the 1st of April. Wish me all the best. LoL
Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 9:02 AM
Tagged by Dearest & Yanhong
Tagged by Dearest & Yanhong
1. Besides Ur lips,where is the favorite spot to get kissed? -Forehead.
2. How do u feel when u wake up this morning? -Not tired, not energetic.
3. Who was the last person u took photo with? -Babyyy!
4. Would you consider urself to be spoiled? -I guess it would be much of a yes.
5. Would you ever donate blood? -Maybe.
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex? -Yea.
7. Do u wan someone dead? -Nope, not now at least.
8. What does ur last text message says? -Hey sweetheart, take care of yourself.
9. What are u thinking right now? -Where would I be going later & how can I reach Baby )=
10. Do you wish someone to be with you right now? - OF COURSE.
11. What is the time you go to bed last night? -12 plus?
12. Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now? -I'm wearing a PJ, but it's from SG.
13. Is someone on ur mind right now? - Yea, baby )=
14. Who was the last person who texted you? -i don't like that person, who sent me the sweetheart msg. Lol
10 people tagged to do this quiz.
1. Felicia 2. Michelle 3. Shi Min 4. Yu Ting 5. Cassandra 6. Jocelyn 7. Sharon 8. Felicity 9. KJ 10. Clarence
15. Who is 2 having a relationship with? [Michelle] -Currently no one. BUT in no time, haha.
16. Is 3 a male or female? [ShiMin] -Female
17. If 7 and 10 get tgt,would it be a good thing? [Sharon&Clarence] -Both also got stead already.
18. What is 1 studying abt? [Felicia] -Going to study about interactive something something. Lol
19. When was the last time u had a chat with them? -Quite recent?
20. Is 4 single? [YuTing] -Nope.
21. Say something about number 2? [Michelle] -She is the closest sister of mine =)
22. What do you think about 3 & 6 being tgt? [ShiMin&Jocelyn] -A bit weird. haha
23. Describe 9? [KJ] -He's sweet ah LOL
24. What will you do if 6 n 7 fight? [Jocelyn&Sharon] -Try to stop them la.
25. Do you like 8? [Felicity] -YES! she's so cute. hahahah
Thursday, March 12, 2009, 10:10 PM
I Miss You
Severe headache now =(
12am. Headed to baby's. First time we talked so much. How I wish I can stop the clock from ticking away. It really aches me to see him go. But I don't cry in front of him. Always after he's left. Home & missing him more than usual.
After crying. Totally Shagggggggg okay =(

7am. Dragged myself out of bed to get prepared for collection of my visa to Shanghai. To my surprise the embassy wasn't as packed as the previous visit. So the process was relatively quick. Received a call from baby =) Hearing his voice eases my heartaches. Then down to Suntec for IT show because Jorden wants to get a Ps3 & lappy.

I cannot smile in the morning.

2pm. Met Shimin at ehub. Ate lunch with her. Went to arcade with her. Spent over $4o++, but money didn't go down the drain. I needed Shimin with me Badly because he isn't =( Bought her hair dye & i helped her dye her hair.
Evening. Finally received an sms from my baby. oh man, I waited so long, plus I only receive his smses every half an hour interval.
& lastly, I'll be leaving this Saturday. I am going to get a singtel prepaid for sure. I'll be leaving =( I won't see baby =(
Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 10:27 PM
In Just A Few Hours
Exactly, in just a few hours. Baby will be leaving me. I'll miss him a lot a lot. How?
Anyway, pictures before heading out. At the same time waiting for Baby to go cut his hair. Botak. LOL
I really got no mood now )= He's leaving, I'm leaving.
I'll blog later. On the 12th of march.
I'm Owned! hahaha.

see, bored until like that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 3:31 PM
11th March 2009
The birth of my new blog. Why is it love-erica? Because my previous blog was erica-loves.
Ha ha =)
I will settle my blog skin & everything before I update again.