Sunday, June 28, 2009, 8:44 PM
Best days' of my life
26th June 2009
It's our 4th month together =)
A very very very memorable one for me.
Headed to babyyy's place first. Then suddenly he gave me something. Guess what.
An exquisite piece of ART! An art that denotes me & him. hahaha To put it simply, he drew a caricature of the both of us with background of a heart.
Sweet isn't it!! I don't wanna post, because it's for my eyes only =p
And then when we went for jamming. He wore grey top together with me =))
We were the first to arrive, followed by the rest. Everything seemed normal until I saw the Click5 preparing to play a song without me. & there my boyfriend sang '' Thank you for loving me '' to me! Of course I'm touched to tears la. On top of everything, the scene ended with a paper wrapped rose =p lol
It was fabulous already. Nothing more I wanna ask for.
I was totally, totally touched for what he did.
After that day, my love for him just kept growingggggg
Imagine the flawless voice he has~
Imagine all the feelings he's put in~ Omg, I cannot stop thinking =)
I wanna say...
I'm gon love my babyyy till time comes to a standstill. BeeBeeBeeBeeBee. I love you!
27th June 2009
Our band's performance! As usual met babyyy first. Planned to rehearse on time at the studio but canceled because the uncle brought the instruments down already.
Slacked slacked 3 of them reached babyyy's place. Helped them apply eyeliner. Process was super hilarious. Everybody looked like transversite.
Then Jolene and Amos came. Took our own sweet time to prepare and headed to our destination.
We went up to tryout a song before going to TM to have dinner at LJS. Ours was at 8.30pm, so when we reached there, we still had time to take a little breather.
When it's our turn to be up on stage I guess everyone was feeling super nervous because if we ever screw up the whole D thing, it'll be so embarrassing. But, overall I think our performance wasn't very bad either =) Infact, I think it was the better among better. HaHa!
After the 5 songs, we totally had a sense of great achievement. heehee
Give me time and I shall load the video up.
Then after slacking for a good 1 hour, we went home. Headed to baby's place first then HSH.
Pictures to be viewed at one's pleasure.


Most of my candid's were taken by Jo =)

Baby's so handsome in here. Very sweeeet right! =) Heehee

Jolene & Amos! Also very sweet right =)

Me & Jo =)

Ahh! Jiaen & Ben!

Tsk! cut me off.

Jojojo! Very cute aye.

Jo & Jiaen

The couple =)

My pretty boy =)

Introduction of our band members!
Babyyyy Tay! Our vocalist *shuaishuai*

Amos! Our bassist.

XueQian! Our guitarist.

Ben! Our Drummmmmmer. *lol, sup with the hand!!*

Jolene! Our 2nd guitarist. *so sweet ah*

Erica! Our keyboardist. heehee

Jiaen & Jo

Jiaen & Erica

BAND PICTURE! Yet to think of a name. But, very soon. Be patient. hahaha I like this shot a lot. Credits, All to Jiaen! *ps/jo, we can play ''spot the difference'' =p *

This is funny.

Spot someone with the most classic face pleasee!

Jiaen & Jo

Outside Century. So sweet rightttttt!

Erica & Jo


See ben see ben. So funnnny~

We got this 2 skirt with suspenders together.

See now why I title this post the best days' of my life? I love baby. I love the band. I love my life.