Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 9:07 PM
Whats wrong with blogger seriously. I cannot do proper blogging.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 8:47 PM
Tell me how can you sleep How can you breathe.
Seems like I haven't blogged for ages. Uploaded the photos long ago, but couldn't find the time to blog.
School has start since Monday this week. Feels nice to be in school so I won't have to rot at home. But but but! It's no longer afternoon session. It's Early in the morning! Dreadful right? Poor me have to wake up at dawn and start preparing with half closed eyes. Worse, buses and trains are always so packed. Imagine when I always get to board the train leaving in 2 minutes. I have to stand all the way. Scared that I'll be late, so didn't board the one that just arrived.
My current LT looks way nicer than the one I had in first sem. So far, I had Stats and Accounts lesson & at times I really find it SOsoso boring.
Okay, now back to photos I've yet uploaded.
Beebeebee! 4th month =) So handsome~

3rd July 2009
Early in the morning after I woke up, I immediately called Shimin to come over to my house. If I remembered correctly, poor her only had a few hours of sleep. Used comp, slacked, chit chat and prepared to attend PRCS's 10th Anniversary.
Helped Shimin with her makeup first then myself. Headed to Fel's place then together with Cass we walked to school. School's still the same. Feels funny when I entered the school because in a wink, I've grown up & graduated already. Memories just flashed back instantly.
We were rather early, so took pictures and all. Dinner was great =)
Couldn't take a lot of pictures )= All I've got to share.
Oh! I was showing off my ''toys'' to Shimin cos BABY made it for me heh heh =)
Ultimate cuteness right.

Shimin, Hanis, Hanis, Erica LOL! it's been a longggg time darlings' I'm gonna miss you'll

okayyy~ Random picture with darling.
