Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:27 PM
Yours truly. 
Monday, September 28, 2009, 11:29 PM
Long Day
Back from Baby's. =) Today morning, mommy drove me and Annie to MH to get payment done for Sem 3. Simply can't wait to complete my Diploma. I want to earn and save money, all by myself. It's time to learn to be independent, be a big girl. Back to topic. After everything's settled. Annie headed home to meet her mom. Mom and I then headed to Parkway to buy some things. One whole afternoon spent this way. Then off to find Baby boy =) KFC!! hahaha. Pictures below taken todayy~   Say Hi Annie~   Somebody bathe so long~   Lighting nice? HEEHEE.   Tomorrow I still have lesson early in the morning. Dreadful. But nonetheless I'm still gonna update about how uneventful past few days were. Lol. 22nd September 2009 24th September 2009 Sis and mommy were trying out a birthday cake. Ultimate failure. LOL But it doesn't tast that horrible actually.    Oh! And the cookies I baked for Baby =) You loveeeeeeee it to the MAX right bi! 25th September 2009 Went out with Shimin. Initially she intended to get Ziplocks for her trip to Hainan Island LOL So accompanied her throughout. OHYAH, and before that we went for mani-pedi session. I did both but she only did her nails. Then after more than an hour's ass-cracking moment sis wanted to catch a movie. THE UGLY TRUTH. And for god's sake, it's her 3rd time watching and she's not sick of it. It's my first though. No harm. hahaha. Was wearing m-i-n-i-m-a-l that day so I wanted to buy a jacket to cover myself. If not I'd be shivering throughout the whole show. A hotpink caught my eye and so I settled for that. THEN. Felicia called. She saw us. Chatted for awhile and she had to go back to work. After movie, we waited for her to end and we 3 took mighty #3 together =) Love MA girls yo.      Contemplating whether or not to buy the shirt Fel's promoting.  I remembered baby said white when I asked him '' what colour should I put '' Then now say so ugly )'= Hurt ngoh.  26th September 2009 Seven months =) With love. Met the next day, but it was alright. Had steamboat with family and grandparents. But before that, Mom and I went to parkway to get some last minute stuffs. AND. Just bought a few things that caught our eyes. heh heh. MY nails. Are short )=  How'd ya like my Cola tee?   Guess who prepared these?  You got it all right. Never me. My maid! Just call her G.  What a spread.
Friday, September 25, 2009, 10:33 AM
Just finished doing mask =) Will be meeting Shimin later on. Yayy~ I'll be doing manicure and pedicure too!
Not sure whether I'll be meeting baby or not )= And And, tomorrow's THE special day.
Whether we'll meet or not, I'm more than contented.
Off to watch BLEACH after this! hehs. After I've finished watching, I'm gonna search for new animes to watch!
Double yayy.
On a side note, holidays are ending )= Back to study mode.
More pictures next post. Till then~
Saturday, September 19, 2009, 10:27 PM
Moments of Truth
I helped out only in the beginning, then I was too exhausted to continue. Lol. Sometimes I wonder whether is the recipe book lying to us, or we're just not up to it. Lols. It didn't fail, but neither did it pass. Lol.        
Sis is cooling the melted white chocolate. Initially she intended to use shape cutters to cut them. But guess what? This thing didn't even harden at all. hahaha.
 Look like burnt cookies right? But it's cupcakes, actually.     Cute right. I did i did!  The round one was better =) They did a few more trys, but didn't snap it down. Thats all. 
Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 11:19 PM
Needs a little catching up
14 September 2009
Class reunion day. But before that met up with baby for a few hours before meeting Felicia sayang. Saw Cass and she hasn't changed! Still very smiley miley.
When we reached, there were only a few of them left. The rest came in the evening. Chit Chat, sat for awhile before cabbing home.

Today, went for lesson. Super tired. Oh ya, and this taxi uncle gave me a free lesson. He demonstrated how to drive an uphill slope without charging. So nice of him. Throughout the whole journey he was practically teaching me techniques on how to change gears and let the car run smoothly. LOL I don't normally like taxi drivers who keeps talking non stop. It's irritating. But lucky i'm in good mood today. hahaha.
Thought of going for pedicure but, nono. Too tired. Watched a few episodes of Bleach then fell asleep. Heh.
I hope to see someone tomorrow. Please recover =) & i love you.

It's time for milkmilk =) Goodnight earth!
Saturday, September 12, 2009, 11:56 PM
Losing faith
Everything seems to trample on me. I needed to struggle to keep moving on.
But, all I wanted to do, was to pamper you and give you the Best. Haven't I treated you like a gem?
Why? Why I don't feel appreciated at all. Your actions don't prove. They are fading. I'm so afraid I can't hold on to you, and you'll let me slip by.
Before I'm gone, promise to tell me ' I've once fallen deeply in love with you '
Fate's so cruel baby.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 12:17 PM
Sissy's going to town to get present for her friend. And she wants me to doll her up. Lol! This is the after process =)
How can you deny that she's cute?!

Ending off with my stupid picture~ heh heh heh

I'm so addicted to Bleach. Lol All Baby's fault.
Gonna have my lunch now then off to bleach again! yay yay yay.