Monday, November 30, 2009, 4:04 PM
I can't forget
I can't forget
I can't forget
Saturday, November 28, 2009, 6:19 PM
You love so quickly.
25th November 2009 If I remember correctly, we went to chill at Timbre after exams. Didn't wanna drink beer. But all ordered Erdinger so I couldn't possibly drink Shirley temple. LOL! Went Kallang Leisure to sing then jere sent us home. -i miss singing with you.     26th November 2009 On this day. I just stared blankly at the date on my phone right after I've woken. Kay. Forget it. Slept all the way till late afternoon. Then met Michelle dearest later in the night. 2 Regulars came to pick me up first before we headed to Fareast for dinner, plus YS. All talked about army stuffs, and I don't really understand. lol. After that, we walked to Cine. Jiahui and another guy was there. Only waiting for Dearest to arrive. hahahaha. Whoa I cried for some stupid reasons again. I'm really sick of myself at times. Bought tickets for Case39. All headed to play pool. Michelle and Jiahui were like busy counselling me. hahahhaha. Thanks girls =) Watched throughout the night then Vin send me home. 28th November 2009 Studied all the way till 7 plus? Jeremy brought us to Paragon for Indo food. We wanted to try the damn cheat code in the carpark that Eugene taught us. but FAIL. lol. super hilarious. Went to Chill again at the cheesecake shop along siglap road. The ambience very very romantic. This is the first time we didn't order alcohol. Lol Settled on Latte instead. Their cheesecake there is Fab to the max. I really never lie. Who wanna go? lol Oh and. I saw Mrs Sheri there too. Shock of my life. Didn't expect such coincidence. Exchanged a few words before we went back to Ann's.  
First time trying Indo food. Drooling? lol.

 29th November 2009 Yesterday. I was a good girl. Studied with them. Settled our dinner at Lemongrass. The food there is nice too. I think I can bring my family there next time. Very suitable for family dining. Chilled at Summerbreeze. Tried tower because most of the tables were having it. lol. Drink drink drink then Jere fetched us home. Everytime after I drink. My friends will talk to me. And every single time i reply. They will go. ''hahahahhahahahahaha, erica cannot make it already.'' ''cannot cannot. later must send her up.'' Super standard. Slept only at 4am. Tsk. Cos I was talking to vinvin. After that straight away ZZZ. Thats all for now. Photos taken past few days. I still have more in Ann's com. Shall upload soonish. Forgot when. At prinsep place.  Emo kid. lol 
Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 11:41 PM
why must you do this to me )'=
I can't believe you did that.
I'll tame my heart from not feeling you anymore.
I'll stop everything now.
I won't bother you anymore.
Monday, November 23, 2009, 1:42 AM
That literally tore me up. Really badly. I hate myself so much so much.
Another came by so easily for you. But why do I still care so much. Why am I still affected. Why did I love you so much so much...
Sunday, November 22, 2009, 12:55 PM
Heartaches please go away.
Blogging normal today.
I'm at Darling's house now. Damn tired and shagged now because I slept for barely 3 hours, and I have lessons early in the morning.
suck to the MAX. Super off form today. lol. Maybe cos I drove Jeremy's car like pro. =p Oh and and, I can't wait for exams to end. Considering the fact that I'm being dumped and lonely for Christmas, I cannot and I won't coop myself at home and think of silly things. Lucky thing I still have my friends with me. At least there's people to hold on to me when my only world crushed me badly. Now, time for me to go xoxo my darling already. Blog when I have more pictures with me. Become so much uglier cos I was so depressed the past few weeks. So sorry.  
Friday, November 20, 2009, 12:56 AM
Many times I wanted to send you a message. Give you a call. Pop by your place to see you.
But why? When you don't bother at all.
I want your hug. I want your kiss on my forehead. I want you to hold my hand. I want to treat you like my boy again. I want you to treat me like your girl again. I want to spend times with you. I want to be with you.
I want so many of you.
Late at night before I go to bed. I browsed through my voice recorders. I hear your beautiful voice once again. I missed your voice, I really do. But I miss you more. My heart aint strong enough to hold back tears.
And all I can say, is to gradually get used to it.
Work is the only thing that keeps me from missing you.
Soon this feeling will die.
I promise you.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 11:26 AM
Tell me it's real
I know i'll get used to it. This time I really have to give up. I keep thinking. Maybe I just wasn't pretty enough, wasn't smart enough, wasn't good & thoughtful enough, wasn't slim enough, wasn't flawless enough for you. Maybe I really wasn't. But god made me this way. I didn't want to. The world's so much larger than life. I know I have to try to put down the past and carry on. Carry on like nothing really matters? =) Thankyouforeverything. I've decided to keep my blog because I want this beautiful memory to remain in my heart always. More pictures up next time. Keep coming back =) Oh and, please visit http://www.sora-san.comThey have some pretty nice apparels and prices are reasonable =)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 10:41 PM
I'm confused.
I'm confused.
I'm really confused.
Anyways, my projects are more or less completed. Just came back from Ai's place after doing marketing.
Huhu~ I've lost 2 kgs =) Recently Idk why but I'm lazy to chew my food. So I'd rather not eat.
I wanna try to abstain from meat as I'm becoming more holy. Lol! So I'm gonna go Organic baby~
I'm watching my jamming videos when we very first started. Those were the days when i wore black skinnys and shirt out to jam. LOL! I'm gonna start wearing from now. Reminiscence about the times.
I miss baby's long hair. Although he looks super handsome now with his short hair, at times I still miss =) But, I'll love baby no matter what.
As for pictures, I'll upload them in the next post. Camera's with Annie darling. Now Annie knows my secrets. Hope she keeps them well! I've also got a bunch of good friendsss~ Life's great. I'll show ya'll my project work the next time round too yeah =)
Gonna sleep now!