Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 10:16 PM
Woke up only at 4pm. Slept for full 12 hours today. Packed my messy room a bit, definitely looks much better now. There's more room for walking too. lol. Normally I just throw my clothes all over the place before I head out for work. I'm off today and tomorrow =) Today spend my day sleeping. Tomorrow spend the day dating. hahaaha. School's starting soonish. Work was fun, so a bit sad that it's gonna end. But at the same time I'm looking forward to see my classmates. Afterall it's been a month we haven't seen each other. Thanks to our busy schedule. Mom recently got for us and herself a new toy. iPhone 3GS ^^ Mom, Brother, Sis & I got the exact same colour, but of course different casing. I don't think black is nice though. Oh and, I celebrated Christmas Eve with my family and cousins. Uncle brought Turkey home. For the first time my mom gave me a glass of red wine. And on Christmas day itself. Went to drink with him. Hmmm. Thinking of what to wear tomorrow =) Cos I'm meeting my him. hahahahahha! Goodnight earthlings.   Meet my new love.  
Sunday, December 20, 2009, 11:09 PM
I'm investing my love on you.
Off. Just woke up. Slept soundly. He called not long ago then I went back to sleep =) As usual, will be working tomorrow. Who wanna come Orchard find me?? hehe. Past few days was work work and only work. Went to CQ with Alan and the rest on saturday night. =) I miss Taka's cream puff. Shall have it for lunch and dinner tomorrow. Meanwhile, these are way due-d photos from last month's BBq.            Loves.  Back Track. Taken during the last day of school. 
Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 3:21 PM
I'm free to blog today =) Have been working and working non stop. Past few days I only reached home at about 3-4am. Then again I have to wake up early in the morning for work Again. Apart from that, my heels are breaking my legs. Came back with numbed toes. Can't even feel if it's my own or not.
Oh and, swerve away from topic first. Very very likely, after my diploma, I'll be furthering my studies overseas. My mom will be planning this for me anyways. I'll just have to choose the uni I wanna study in. I'm already looking forward to it =) I hope I'll be able to study with Ann thou. hee.
I just logged onto my student portal to check my results. I failed 2 papers ='( Why when I studied, I fail? Or is it that I couldn't even study? Last month was a torture for me. Is it because I'm so useless I can't handle situations at the period in time.
I wanted to call you so much just now. Back then, you were there for me. Not now. I've learnt to think twice.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 10:02 PM
Imma bad girl. Imma bad girl. Imma bad girl.
But I'm so sorry. We dont belong together.
Sunday, December 6, 2009, 2:36 AM
Saturday, December 5, 2009, 12:37 AM
What for love a person who doesn't love you. An unconditional love requires you to let him go and let them find their real happiness.
Nothing is stopping you from loving that girl. Just love well from now.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 12:42 AM
You are gonna return me all those? And why do I still fucking cry.
Crycrycrycrycrycrycry. All I do is cry. I'm tired. I need somebody to slap me. Slap me HARD, right on my face until I wake up and realise it's over.