Saturday, January 16, 2010, 10:26 PM
Brand New Happy Year :)
I'm Attached again :) It feels so nice to be loved by the man you've always wanted to be with. Now, time for updates! Recently, wasn't able to update because all these projects are taking up way too much of my time. Lucky thing I managed to finish the work on time. If not, GG! I'm beginning to enjoy OTQM lectures, because I have a fun-loving lecturer. HAHA! I sound very random ah. oh man. I've also been spending quite some time with Baby these few days. Watching Taiwan shows with him, singing with him and so fourth. Nothing beats than having to spend time with your loved ones right ;) I just realized I got to settle my MA project now. So last minute =.=!   
Monday, January 4, 2010, 10:46 PM
Filled with love.
Welcome 2010. I don't know what lies ahead of me and I won't be thinking about it. I'll just treasure every single moments that I'm spending with my circle of friends and loved ones.
At the same time. My resolution for this year is simple. I just want to clear all my modules and move on to Sem5. Get over and done with this Diploma and pursue my Degree. I so thank god I don't have to retain in Sem3. But still, I have a lot to do, a lot to catch up.
With that, I know I have to put it into action. So no more drinking. No more hanging out till the wee hours. No more being serious with bastards. No more shopping as often. No more flirting. No more distractions. No more night life most important.
So much that I wanted to say. But somethings are better left unsaid, untouched.
Chatting with Ray now. I told him I failed 2 outta 3. He immediately '' how the fuck you fail 2 '' LOL.
Just met up with Shimin not long. Even now she's in love. Why people around me one by one falling in love ah? Tsk.
Oh and, today's the first day of school. Annie's not back yet la. Feels like shit. lol. GG ah. Had to collect 5 set of notes instead of 3. Lucky he(not ray laaa, itzel should drove all the way down just to pick me up from school. hehehehehehe. I've almost finished watching all movies with him. 'Alrighty, It's late and I've gotta sleep and wake up EARLY tomorrow. Blog with pictures soon.