Sunday, March 21, 2010, 3:47 PM
Pictures seems to be the best memories
Yesterday, Dad brought me to Joo Chiat's dental clinic for consulting, but was referred to Eastwood because Dad's friend don't do braces. Went to have lunch, then he dropped me at Parkway. Lucky I've got dearest and short to talk to me on the phone if not imma gonna be bored to death. Took cab there, then asked the dentist about the charges & the procedures. Dad went to make down payment after that. Heartpain* Because he's willing to spend such money on me. I've carried on with this decision because Imma looking forward to my dream. Only my dream, not long-term ambition. Lols! Went home, Nash suddenly called. First person who can piss me off. but ke ai si le.haha Talked on the phone when he was in clarkequay until he reach home. LOL Webcammed with shortiesiow till wee hours thats why woke up so late. I'm officially putting on my braces tomorrow! I'll be the ugliest girl on earth then )'= Will be meeting Shimin tomorrow, & I think she will be accompanying me there. It's at upper east coast road which is VERY bloody near to Annie's house.LOL GREAT. Then we'll be watching movie after that. Shall go dl some songs for now~ Spread the love! Without makeup and very dressed down. Dad asked my to go up and change into proper dressing. LOL!  Down payment.  
Saturday, March 20, 2010, 7:20 PM
I'm lucky to have dad & mom.
I'm lucky to have all those who cares for me (:
I've accepted everything.
& never gonna be so stupid no more.
Shall keep this post with pictures, less words.
Guess ben is in which mascot? LOL
I've got a video to post. Shall add it in later.
Super cute.hahahahahaha
Forever disturbing them lol.
This is after shortiesiow saved me from his call. HAHA!
Next i wanna cam with Dearest! heh.
Thursday, March 11, 2010, 8:31 PM
You should have told me on your own .. you know you're the only person entitled to hurt me.
Spare me from all the questionings and interrogating.
March 8, was the last time i could hear you care for me. I never received anymore for the next 2 days until JiaEn called.
During that period, I was still happily counting down. Counting down.. till I can see you once again, smile at you, call you bibi and hug you.
She wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, I knew of a clarified truth from Jolene. But I still persisted that you won't be so heartless once again to do this to me.
How much I wish JiaEn could keep this news from me, don't call me and tell me about it. & I may still be happy until you come back. Able see you as a lover for the last time.
But I still got to thank her for coming forth to tell me about it.
It's. Until when I heard the 'ya' from you baby. My heart shattered instantly.
It wasn't my intention to show you how weak was I, by crying on the phone. It also wasn't my intention to gain sympathy from you, by crying on the phone. It's because I can feel. Feel you returning my love for you. Back to me. At that point, I knew I had to accept the fact and wake up from my dream. Because my baby's no longer mine.
And I couldn't turn to anyone because I didn't want anyone to worry for me. After her call, I just grabbed my tissue box and went out of house.
I couldn't call Annie. I couldn't ask Shimin to accompany me because she's with her bf. I couldn't possibly call my school mates. I couldn't possibly cry alone. But I got to thank the 2 other guys for making their way down to look for me in the middle of the night.
After few hours, while walking home. The thoughts, the memories all came streaming in. It isn't so easy to put down afterall. I waked my sister up from her sweetdreams. All I did was look at her without speaking and teared non stop. She didn't really know how to stop me from crying. But she kept herself awake until I fell asleep.
I dreamt of you. But I guess, it'll be the one last beautiful dream that can happen to me.
Ps. Teach me how to be strong.
Monday, March 8, 2010, 1:20 AM
Will update blog tomorrow :)
Hundred and one things on my to-do list.
Gotta get them done soonish.
Awhile ago talked to Baby on the phone ^^
Now just completed my show.
Bed now.
Goodnights earthlings!