Monday, May 17, 2010, 8:26 PM
I forgot everything already. LOLs. I'll just post the pictures up. Those that I manage to recall, I'll just caption them :D In the cab, to school if im not wrong~  I love it when Dad buys pau from here!  TCC with Annie & May. Heading to Mango that night.     
Monday, May 10, 2010, 10:42 PM
GuoXiang's Advance Birthday
I'm super late in updating my blog. But here's GuoXiang's birthday in detail (: Days before I met @queenofdevil & @shortiesiow at whitesands to buy materials to do for Mister Toh. Decided to make him an LV wallet since he wants it so much, but in the end... I coloured the checkered wrong )= So i went to buy the materials again in my school & worked on the wallet during lecture =x GuoXiang's birthday was super fun because we planned many surprises & I got to sit the flyer! Finally~! hahaha :) Met Rayna darling and Wenhui and Kimkai first then DIY-ed a cake at JurongPoint. It was so fun. -edited- Plans went a little wrong so we settled at KBOX while short & guoxiang went to find their friends. We were all tired, so didn't wait for them to be back. Thennnnnn HSH (:            -edited with pictures-       
Monday, May 3, 2010, 5:57 PM
Princep once again.